Friday 22 January 2016 Scam – Love letter for Matt Barrie

Dear handsome, charming, intelligent & admirable Matt Barrie
I want to unequivocally declare my love for you today.
I have known you ever since your site ‘mistakenly’ gobbled up my $ 14,000. I am sure it was a mistake because how can some registered firm commit such a big blunder.
What if people call you names like hideous, ugly & monster when in all your pics.
( Readers can search for Matt Barrie any time.)
you look like a handsome werewolf or a blood sucking vampire. I am sure you would have made a more realistic vampire than Robert Pattinson in the Twilight Saga.
What if a majority of the people who know you or have ever come in contact with you describe you as an arrogant, cruel, vile, selfish and self centered SON OF A B*TCH…
I am sure all your charms are securely stashed away in a safe place for the parents who abandoned you, for the bullies who gave you swirleys during high school, for the wife who cheated on you and for your children who are inbred B*st*rds.
What if a majority of the business community, including both your competitors and allies alike, think that you are a F*cking Moron with an attitude problem….
I am sure that the day they realize that you are capable of taking on multiple personalities like Emir, Valeri Scott, Andrea, Anna (and countless more) and capable of using the scam money to turn your scam legit by taking over competitors like vWorker & Scriptlance, they will realize how intelligent you are.
What if the people you have scorned world over call you heartless, mean, devil incarnate & the like…
I am sure that the moment they realize you will steadily progress on the path to hell, I am sure that every one will admire you determination.
Some one once said, hate the sin and not the sinner.
So Matt Barrie
I hereby declare my unequivocal love for you and would like to ask you out.
Just one thing though, when you do reply, please attach the following documents:-


Provide a scanned copy of a currently valid government issued ID, driver’s license or passport which includes your photosignaturename and date of birth.
File formats .PNG, .GIF, .JPG (Maximum 5MB)


Provide a scanned document as proof of residential address such as your driver’s license, utility bill (less than 3 months old) or tax assessment (less than 12 months old) which includes your name and your current address.
File formats .PNG, .GIF, .JPG (Maximum 5MB)


Provide a photo of you holding the verification code displayed below in one hand and yourID clearly visible in your other hand.
Verification Code
File formats .PNG, .GIF, .JPG (Maximum 5MB) 
Then, and there is no guarantee that I will, maybe I will think that you are the genuineMATT BARRIE and not some imposter who is out to scam me once more.
Well, Mr. Matt Barrie, I AM WAITING!!!

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